Ignorance, unsatisfied ways, and deceitfulness? Ignorance is the lack of wisdom, lack of wisdom is the fear of knowledge(pride), fear of knowledge promotes deceitfulness. If you haven't learned who you are, without God you will continue to fall short of your true meaning.
Proverbs 24:3-4 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
God made Eve; life-giver, for Adam because he saw something was lacking. Now man and woman cannot survive without each other. Through a woman, a man is born and without a man a woman cannot bear a child. So we need each other! Therefore through each other we are to help each other, and not mislead each other. Although we don't, lets look back to the meeting in Eden . Eve, because of lack of deceit, which shows she has no wisdom, therefore no knowledge. She is now the victim of the enemy, easily convinced wanting something she has no knowledge of, but assumes because something appears to look good its what she wants. But she doesn't go down alone, she brings her husband with her. Offering him the "goods". He too now falls victim to the deceit of the enemy.
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
As woman who are we trying to convince, are we knowledgeable enough to convince others, or are we just using the manipulational skills instilled in us back in Eden ? Eve, was naive, what is our excuse? Using our flirtatious ways, assuming we will receive as we please, but don't because we are so vulnerable at the time of the act, we loose focus on what is truly needed, later realizing that isn't what we want. Then we wonder off to the next victim to deceit some more. We don't realize what we are doing is not only affecting self, but other women, and men. A man falls victim to a woman's manipulation and no longer trust, therefore putting up a wall to protect themselves, becomes stuck behind the wall and now can't tell truth from a lie. We think make-up will make us perfect, because the people we look up to are airbrushed to "perfection". We use our beauty and words to get what we think we want, assuming its 'ok' because the world promotes with our body parts and "beauty". Then we feel empty and mistreated, disgusted with ourselves and what man has taken advantage of. We don't realize we did this to ourselves, to all of humanity. We alter our body or face to portray someone else, assuming who we truly are will not be accepted. Aware of the truth, we continue to compromise our looks and actions, submit to vanity, and continue the constant battle of failed satisfaction. We spend so much time trying to please the world's ideals, we forget who we really are.
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Jeremiah 4:30 And you, O desolate one, what do you mean that you dress in scarlet, that you adorn yourself with ornaments of gold, that you enlarge your eyes with paint? In vain you beautify yourself. Your lovers despise you; they seek your life.
Psalm 119:37
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.
To continue in the ways of the world will hinder us from receiving our blessings. Being disobedient to God's will is a dangerous choice, the quest for knowledge should balance wisdom. If we continue to deceive we will never reap the harvest the Lord has promised, but continue in the ways confusing to ourselves and to others, and in turn will reap the misery we promote. Looking for love in all the wrong places, getting our simple and temporary fixes, but failing to realize what is really missing. We assume we are deserving of something we are not willing to give. We want men to be true to us, but are too busy fixing up schemes to get what we want out of them and then move on to the next one, because we were never sure in the first place. Or go into something half done. God is the only one that can fulfill us, not man. Think about why we are not satisfied reevaluate your motives and drive.
Proverbs 1:28-33 They will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord, since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat of the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.
Ephesians 5:17 Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
We so often think we can manipulate our way through by deceiving ourselves and others and then wonder why things aren't happening in our favor. We constantly brush up our deceitful ways and fail to brush up the relationship most important to us. Then wonder why things are not happening for us. We attempt our worldly ways, planning our lives in the ways we want, forgetting who is in control. We want to fix our old habits then pick up new ones, and justify them with each other. Then we want to fix God's word in our favor, we didn't write it, he did. "He says in his word he would take care of me, why is all this bad stuff happening to me". We can't forget where we came from. We were once victims of the enemy, God is a justice God. We have to be fit to receive the blessings, its in God's time not our time.
Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.... Do not be wise in your own eyes.
Instead submit to him, the father of peace, true love, and happiness and he will direct your paths. Lead you to the man or way you belong, whether it is married or single believe only he knows the best path for you. For he will never leave you or forsake you. But will bless you according to his word.
Philippians 4:7 Then, the peace of God, which is beyond our utmost understanding, will keep guard over your hearts and thoughts, in Christ Jesus.
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